Noun Clause - Soal dan Jawaban

Latihan Soal Pilihan Ganda Tentang Noun Clause Lengkap Jawaban
  1. Please tell me . . . Makes you cry
    a. if
    b. What
    c. Whether
    d. How
  2. She wanted to know …
    a. if I had applied for the scholarship
    b. if had I applied for the scholarship
    c. What do they always do in the classroom or lab
    d. What they always do in the classroom or lab
  3. … is unacceptable.
    a. What do they always do in the classroom or lab
    b. What they always do in the classroom or lab
    c. if I had applied for the scholarship
    d. if had I applied for the scholarship
  4. I do not know . . . He has no parents
    a. That
    b. Why
    c. What
    d. When
  5. She is the person . . . I met in front of the school
    a. Whom
    b. Who
    c. That
    d. If
  6. I’m not sure . . . He go to work or not today
    a. If
    b. Whether
    c. Does
    d. Had
  7. Please tell me . . . Do you want
    a. What
    b. if
    c. When
    d. Why
  8. . . . I do is to make you happy
    a. When
    b. How
    c. What
    d. Where
  9. I do not know . . . He’s married or not
    a. Whether
    b. Has
    c. Have
    d. if
  10. Can you tell me . . . The accident happened
    a. What
    b. if
    c. Whether
    d. When
  11. Please explain me . . . To make a jar
    a. What
    b. Can
    c. Have
    d. How
  12. I do not know . . . You are
    a. When
    b. Where
    c. Was
    d. ifSponsors Link
  13. I regret . . . I did not accept your offer
    a. That
    b. Where
    c. Why
    d. When
  14. Do not ask me . . . I can not forgive her
    a. Why
    b. Who
    c. Why
    d. How
  15. I realized . . . I was not a rich man
    a. That
    b. Then
    c. When
    d. Where
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